We are doing some backtracking with the blog as we were not as good about recording things last month. For those who have been a part of our lives over the past 8 (for Guy) and 4(for Rusha) years, you know about our annual Hanukkah/Schmettloaf party during which Guy makes a ton of his famous meatloaf and we have latkes and mashed potatos and usually a big potluck. Never fear, we held it in 2009 in Kampala. We invited over some of our new friends and ventured into the markets and the Western Shoprite supermarket to buy provisions. We could not find aluminum baking dishes and were not willing to spend the money on pyrex for one occasion, so we cooked the meat loaf in a small metal pot and it did just fine. 2 kg of ground meat and many potatos later we had a feast. Rusha finally learned to use enough oil to make good, greasy latkes. Friends brought wine and beer and we had a ton of delicious tropical fruit that is so readily available here: papaya, mango, pineapple, watermellon, bananas.
We lit candles on an improvised menorrah and had drinks and thought of all of you who have shared schmettloaf parties with us in the past. We missed you all and hope that everyone had a wonderful holiday season. We'll see you next year in the States for Number 9!
We lit candles on an improvised menorrah and had drinks and thought of all of you who have shared schmettloaf parties with us in the past. We missed you all and hope that everyone had a wonderful holiday season. We'll see you next year in the States for Number 9!
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